Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So Busy!!!!

So with Thanksgiving, a baby shower and moving I just have not had time to post lately. So...I am cheating and doing this at work while a have a few quiet minutes. I am hoping things will be settling down soon, but Christmas NEXT WEEK already, I really don't see that happening. I have posted a few more pics from our drive up Pikes Peak when Jenn, Mike and I went to Colorado Springs for Halloween. I will try to get pics of the new place up soon as well. ( I think I said that in an earlier post.) Also, when you breakup with someone how long should you wait before you start writing about a new person in your life? I think I'll just keep it to myself for a bit longer. Anyway, here are a few more pics for your enjoyment, and like I said I will try to post more soon.

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