Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You got WHAT???

I know, all the ladies always want flowers for Valentines. For the past several years I've always had a "boyfriend" ( not that they ever bring you flowers anyway!) on this stupid stupid day! And wouldn't ya know, I finally know for sure this year, because I don't have a boyfriend, I'm not going to have to go through the ordeal of all the guys in the office giving me a hard time when you get called to the front desk and you have to walk through the office carrying the bouquet of flowers. Well, I had already left the office and our General Manager calls and says that there is a flower delivery for me at the front desk. It's 5 o'clock on a Friday night, you tell me, would you be at work? Uh, NO! Anyway, yeah, I have "friend" we'll say for now that is so thoughtful, and yes he sent me flowers. What a great guy, huh? He took the time to find some that had purple in the mix, it's my favorite color. I made him chocolate chip cookies. And to top it off, we're are going to Orlando tomorrow for a couple of days. He has a convention, for me it's play time. WHO CARES??? I don't have to go to work!!! So, here's to Mr. Cookies, and he knows who he is, I love the flowers. They are bee-yu-tee-ful!!!

A Little Trouble

It's only taken me what? 3 weeks? But here finally are a few pics of my new niece. After 3 boys, we're very happy to have another girl in the family.