Monday, February 25, 2008

New at Blogging

Well, I'm new at this blogging thing! It seems like everyone has one these things, so I gues it's time to get up to date! Not quite sure where to start.

I'm sure that Dad has probably kept most of the family up to date, but for those who might be on the outer reaches, in early 2007 during a regular eye appt. the doc and I started talking about options for surgery (lasik) and if I was a candidate. I was sent to a surgeon in our insurance plan after seeing a couple of specialists, (because if I'm going to have bad eyes, I am going to have BAD eyes) it was decided that I was not a candidate for lasik, nor was I a choice case for cataract type surgery where they replace your lens, it would take 2 to replace my 1, to get my vision corrected. Long story short, I was dead in the water. Went with new contacts instead. Then one day in May, 3 months later, and out of the blue, the angels decided it was my turn! I received a call from the eye surgeons office, he is part of a network of docs one of whom is one of the top in the country who does studies for the FDA. I had to go throught a battery of tests, then go to LA to meet the Dr. and go through more tests. Because I have had previos eye surgery, we had to ask for special qualification from the FDA, I was ACCEPTED! On October 10th I had the first surgery on the right eye, with the second surgery on the left eye on Jan 2nd. Now for the freaky part! I was part of an FDA study for Implantable contact lenses. Yes, they are in my eye, never to come out unless my vision changes (they can be replaced) . Come to find out a week before my first surgery, the doc thought he was done, they put a hold on the study to pursue a different product. I barely made it!

Now I just can't fo to sleep. I have spent 30 years with glasses and about 20 with contacts, now I have neither and I just want to stay up all night looking at the TV. I guess it could be worse. I have about 8 follow ups over 3 years and all I have to pay for is my travel to and from LA. WOO-HOO!

I also have two of the cutest, craziest dogs known to man. I have a male and a female Jack Russell, the male is deaf (very common with dogs that have a lot of white in their coat). But I love them anyway!

I have been dating a guy named James for 2 1/2 years, I live in the house in Henderson, and he has taken a job with a company in Phoenix to be closer to his two kids, daughter Jaimi - 12, son Tanner - 9. We have a ton of fun when all together.

My best friend Jenn, which many of you may have met at one time or another, moved in in December and it's amazing how different life is now that we're adults. On Friday nights we're lucky to make it to 9:00 be fore we're asleep on the couch or in the chair.

Her cousin is getting married in June in Cabo! SWEEEEET, bet you can't guess where I'll be? Don't worry I will get lots of pics to share.

I know this is alot, but it is my first time. By the way, my vision is now 20/25 and 20/30, previously 20/blind!


Amanda Cook said...

Okay, that is a good start, But the pink type is hard to read. Hope you have fun with it.

Cathy said...

Hi Laura,

It was great to get caught up on news about you! We think of you often. Love you,
Cathy and Bob