Sunday, March 30, 2008

Poison Ivy

No, I don't have, I was trying to come up with a witty title for this posting. James is getting ready to sell the house so I was trying to freshen up the front yard. We have a planter in the middle of the grass, and I had been told there were tulips and some other type of flowers planted, however, it looked like the stalk grew nothing ever bloomed. Needless to say they were ugly so I ripped them out and planted some new flowers on Saturday. Some violets, cosmos and some others, but I don't think I did too bad. The dogs sure seem to like them!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Holly hobby

My aunt Cathy left comments on my last posting and asked if I was still crocheting. So, in honor of the wonderful job she did teaching me, here is a blanket I have been working in for James' sister-in-law.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Gone to the Dogs

For lack of anything else to write about, and for the benefit of those who haven't seen them but might check out the blog, here are a few pics of my dogs. Both are Jack Russells, Stitch is the female with the brown on face and back. Jack is the male, brown only on his face. Jack is supposed to be James' dog, but we all know the truth! They keep me pretty entertained since James has moved to Phoenix to be closer to his kids. Hopefully I will one day be able to catch him off gaurd and get a picture of him on here.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dinner with the Fam

According to my sisters the pink lettering is too hard to read, so let's try purple. Went to Dad's for dinner tonight. Took the boys a deck of cards and we had our first lesson in Go Fish! Teegan won, Brent and I tied. But had fun anyway.